This is a good point for the people to consider, who are already working or willing to take up a job in renewable energy. Currently, over 60% of world’s total energy comes from non-renewable energy sources like fossil fuels and natural gases and about 13.5% from the nuclear reactors. Remaining energy comes from renewable energy options. Although, there is no definite data available, we can assume that the % share of jobs in energy groups worldwide will also be distributed in the same ratio. It has been found that by 2010; about 2.3 million people around the world were working either directly in renewables or indirectly in the associated industries. From the year 2011 onwards, there is a remarkable increase in these figures.
With increased awareness about global warming all over the world, the usage of sustainable options is also improving. Now many people feel responsible for increasing their contribution by helping in reducing carbon emission in the atmosphere. There are many other factors which are forcing people to think more about the green energy. After the recent tragedy in Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, Germany has decided to shut down some of its old nuclear facilities. Even Japan is considering doing so. Setting up new nuclear power plants is also doubtful due to the strong opposition by the masses over the nuclear safety. In last few years, sharp increase in the prices of gas, diesel, petrol and electricity is also driving people and businesses to look for alternative energy solutions.
Undoubtedly, one of the solutions to our current energy and global warming crisis is utilizing our sustainable energy options more efficiently. This will not only help in defending our climate but also make us less dependent on non-renewable energy sources or nuclear energy. Some argue that green energy jobs are wiping out the future of conventional energy businesses especially in coal mining. But a recent research in University of Florida at Berkley in 2010, has confirmed that natural and low-carbon energy groups have produced more jobs than are lost in conventional energy businesses. Unemployment figures in most of the major countries are shocking and with the sharp rise in world’s population to 7 billion, we are adding millions of young eligible workforce every year. All these problems of population growth, unemployment, oil price hike and global warming suggest a need to produce new job opportunities to strengthen the economy worldwide.
In recent years, solar business has become very popular and has generated many new jobs but at the same time but there are other areas in sustainable energies like wind, geothermal, hydro, bio, carbon capture and energy storage that still need to pick up. Jobs in conventional energies may start to decrease but a lot of new opportunities are possible in this area by investing in energy efficiency technologies. One thing to consider is that we should not totally depend on one type of energy resource. Having multiple options will create a competitive environment in this industry which had been dominated by conventional energy sectors for many decades. This will generate possibilities for new businesses to come up and produce many more renewable energy jobs as well as jobs in traditional energy businesses.