The experts of Scotland mentioned that, the developments made in the renewable-energy sector will help to tackle the climatic change problem of Maldives. The researchers from the Aberdeen Robert Gordon University are planning to implement a potentially innovative study on ocean thermal, wind and wave-energy. Government of Maldives will implement the carbon neutral plan by 2020, since Maldives is located at low-lying islands and it would be affected easily by the rising sea level due to the climate change.
According to this plan the Robert Gordon University will effectively participate in the research of tidal and ocean thermal-energy and these projects will satisfy the future energy needs of Maldives. The Robert Gordon University will release the reports on the research, within the first half of 2011. Jim Mather, the Enterprise Minister asserted that, the Scotland is taking considerable measures to make big changes in the small country and the research reports will help Maldives to tackle the climate change problems.
Oceans are considered as the most powerful source of energy. Incredible news is that, oceans contains tremendous amount of it and the energy inbuilt in ocean can surpasses the amount of energy consumed by the human race. The ocean-energy can be tapped for meeting the future demands with proper investments in energy, blending the properties of water with advanced technologies and the natural laws of energy dynamics. Offshore wind-energy development project and the ocean-energy are interconnected with each other and the offshore wind-energy project depends on the conditions of the ocean.
Water in the ocean primarily contains mounts of energy like tides, waves and currents, but measuring the salinity and temperature gradient, is a herculean task. For implementing a 10 megawatt project in Hawaiian coast of Oahu, the United States Naval Facilities Engineering Commission has allocated an energy-investment of 12.5 million US dollars and the funding will be managed by the Lockheed Martin Corporation.
Renewable-energy credit or certificate is a pivotal tool, which provides guarantee to the companies which are seeking assistance for renewable-energy projects and the amount of energy investment to be given, depends on this certificate only. The main aim of Renewable energy certificate, is to provide financial assistance for the clean energy projects since the amount involved in the project is huge and contains more risk. The Renewable energy credit of Australia recently got crashed and people are waiting for a solution from the government and renewable energy developers. The decision to be taken by the government and the developer is very important, since Australia’s renewable energy future depends on the decision.